The following is a writeup by Pat Nakata Sensei on our most recent Kenkyukai training session held on August 22, 2010.
Again, the Hawaii Karate Kenkyukai session was a very good and interesting session. We selected everyone's most advanced Kata in their Kata curriculum, with Ryukyu Kobudo Hozon Shinkokai performing Kanegawa no Nichogama, Herbert Ishida Sensei's presentation of the Kyokushin Karate Kanku, OSKA presenting the Chibana Shorin-ryu Chinto, Alan Lee Sensei and Kyle Nakasone Sensei demonstrating their Goju-ryu Karate Suparinpei, Hisae Ishii-Chang Sensei showing the Kenneth Funakoshi Shotokan Karate Unsu, Charles Goodin Sensei doing the Kishaba Juku Fukyugata Ichi, Angel Lemus Sensei showing his Zentokukai Yara Kusanku, and Sean Roberts Sensei executing the Minakami Karate Seiunchin. The discussion on the various Kata was very informative and interesting. The application practice was fun as usual.
For the October session, we will be presenting our renditions of Pinan Shodan (Kyokushin Karate Pinan Sono Ni, Heian Nidan), and because Zentokukai does not have any Pinan Kata, Lemus Sensei will be asked to perform their Wanchin Kata. Unfortunately, Alan Lee Sensei and Kyle Nakasone Sensei will not be able to attend the October session. Lee Sensei will try to have a representative perform the Senbukan Gekisai Sandan.
We have found that it would be far more beneficial for everyone to perform their versions of the same Kata, if possible.
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